Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Time Magazine Archive

It has been out for awhile, but you may not have heard that Time Magazine offers its archive online from 1923 to 2006 for free. That's right - for free. It looks like it is based on advertising, so I don't know if this will continue, but it is a great online source that won't readily come up in a simple Google or Yahoo search. You can also browse by covers. A great source for older material.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Evidence Based Nursing

This product from Ebsco (I'll call it a knowledge base for the lack of a better description) has been available, but not with a direct link. You're not sure what "Evidence Based Nursing" is? Well, here is the description.
Evidence-Based Complementary Medicine contains evidence-based information on herbs and natural remedies and the conditions they may be used to treat, as well as known or suspected drug interactions. The guide addresses the amount and type of evidence to support use of these herbs and supplements, as well as how patients may be using them regardless of current evidence.
However, don't become to enamored with this - Ebsco is planning on replacing it this summer with a bigger and better product, with a product title that better describes the contents. So, if you are interested, go on to Evidence Based Nursing.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Finding Survey or Poll information for your speech/paper

Lexis- Nexis has a number of polls from The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research. To quote from Lexis-
It covers the full spectrum of public interest including politics and government, public institutions, international relations, business, social affairs and consumer behavior and preferences. ... includes actual data from a wide variety of sources in opinion polling such as Gallup, Harris, Roper; ABC, CBS, CNN and NBC; Los Angeles Times, NewYork Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal.
So how do you get to the polls? Well - go to Lexis-Nexis from the library homepage, either by the drop down menu or under Find Articles and more by title.

Once you are at Lexis-Nexis Academic, click on Reference (below)

After you click on Reference - from the center of the list choose Polls & Surveys (below)

Then try searching to see what is available - you may find some good stuff for your speech or paper. If you have any questions, contact the library.